
July 23, 2006

An affiliate network for charity?

There are some do-gooder websites out there that have signed up for a number of affiliate programs and when you go to their website first then […]
July 4, 2006

How generosity creates wealth

The Dalai Lama says that “Generosity creates wealth”. I believe that. And here’s an idea that you can apply to prove it to yourself. Give generously […]
June 27, 2006

A contextual advertising network for charity?

In addition to Google’s AdSense network there are a number of other competing networks, including Yahoo Publisher Network, Kanoodle BrightAds, etc. It would be great to […]
June 20, 2006

Donating your ad revenue to charity

I would like to see all the contextual advertising networks like Google AdSense, YPN (Yahoo Publishing Network), Chitika, etc. have an option where, instead of getting […]
June 16, 2006

Donating domain names to charity

A lot of people own multiple domain names and never end up using them all. Or their plans change and they no longer want their domain. […]
June 9, 2006

Charitable Commons: a possible extension to Creative Commons?

Some of the more forward thinking copyright owners are slapping Creative Commons licenses on their content, allowing reuse and remixing of their content by others. The […]